Paradise is a Beach in Honduras

Imagine lounging on the beach under the shade of palms, the sounds of waves gently lapping along the shoreline all the while sipping on an ice cold domestic beer with a little lime wedge bobbing around inside. During this semi-seaside-siesta, you spot local children peddling conch shells and an old man with a small monkeyContinue reading “Paradise is a Beach in Honduras”

Isla Pasión

At one time or another I think everyone dreams about a white sand tropical island getaway. Kris and I were fortunate enough to have lived the dream a few years back when we visited the enchanting Isla Pasión out of the port of Cozumel Mexico.

The “Best” of Grand Cayman…

So who wouldn’t want to go to “Big Black Dick’s Rum Cake Factory?” Words cannot adequately express how awesome these Caribbean rum factory/stores are. When you go in all you can smell is sugar and rum. Also as soon as you walk in you are presented with a small tray of rum cake to sample and as many shots of rum as you can handle.

Perils of a Cruise Buffet

The discovery of Penicillin was one of the twentieth centuries greatest achievements, well accidents if you want to get technical. As most people know the discovery of the most prescribed antibiotic in history was made by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928 while experimenting with what we know as the flu. The story of the dayContinue reading “Perils of a Cruise Buffet”